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Meet Osprey


Image from Annika on Unsplash

As fall stretches across Michigan, ospreys embark on their annual journey south. The osprey, scientifically known as Pandion haliaetus, is a large and powerful bird of prey renowned for its striking appearance and remarkable hunting prowess. With a wingspan that can reach up to six feet and a predominantly brown and white plumage, the osprey boasts distinctive dark eye patches and a sharp, hooked beak perfectly adapted for its carnivorous lifestyle. They live near and raise young near bodies of water as fish are their primary diet. These raptors are superb fishermen, executing dramatic dives from great heights to snatch fish from the surface with their powerful talons.

By late summer and early fall, osprey chicks are fully developed and have acquired their flight feathers. This signals the beginning of preparations for the fall migration. As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, ospreys feel the instinctual urge to head south. The timing of their fall migration typically begins in late August or early September, varying according to individual birds and weather conditions.

The fall migration is driven by several key factors. First, as the waters in Michigan cool down in the fall, the fish that ospreys rely on for sustenance migrate to warmer, deeper waters. To continue their successful hunting, ospreys follow their prey southward. Second, migrating south allows ospreys to escape the harsh winter conditions of Michigan, ensuring their survival during the colder months. Finally, some ospreys migrate south with their young to provide them with a reliable food source during their first winter, increasing their chances of survival and eventual return to Michigan.

Ospreys from Michigan follow well-established migration routes during the fall. These routes typically take them along the eastern coast of the United States, where they can find abundant fish in coastal areas and estuaries. Some adventurous ospreys may even cross the Gulf of Mexico on their journey to reach their wintering grounds in Central and South America.

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